Why Is Archery Valuable?

Why Is Archery Valuable?

by Joshua W., 12th Grade

Archery has become the little forgotten sport of SSA. Little known fact: it was actually the very first sport the school ever sponsored. It’s even how our mascot was formed. However as time has progressed, it has become less visible. However, the archery team is large and growing. As each year begins, we see more and more kids trying out and participating in this fun sport.

But what makes archery valuable? What impact might it have on the classical education? Well, it teaches very important character traits: perseverance, patience and consistency. In archery, one has to endure constant mental and physical strain. And when you’re not careful, a single shot can mess with your entire round. Archers need to be able to “wipe away” their bad shots and constantly refocus on the moment. Failure cannot mess with your head. Because when you think you’re a failure, that’s what you will become. However, these kids learn constantly to stay strong in their process and trust in their abilities. Failure doesn’t faze them.

Not only are these kids strong mentally, they are strong physically. A tournament can end up being almost an hour of shooting. Your arm can get tired, and your brain can get weary. But not these kids. They have the capacity and strength to remain in the moment, which is key to success in archery.

But one of the most important aspects of this sport is the spirit and camaraderie. Everybody there loves the sport, and the coaches are really encouraging. It is a small community, but it is tightly knit. As an older archer, I can see how much the younger generations look up to the older ones.
I would recommend archery to every age group. It teaches valuable skills that last beyond high school. As I transition into college, I will be glad for my archery experience. It has taught me to learn from my failures and be hopeful for the future. I encourage everyone in the same way. Don’t despair in your failures. Instead, hope for your future.