The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch, Chapter 8

The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch, Chapter 8

The Tech-Wise Family  Chapter 8 “Naked and Unashamed” – John Breckenridge

Mr. Crouch intentionally placed this chapter near the end of the book because this is the topic everyone wants to talk about. What do we do for our families and ourselves to remove the scourge of pornography and the cheapening of the human form? Good question.

First, technology is here to stay, and so we must learn to manage it, not let it rule our lives. We need transparency, and when it comes to our children, we must parent… actively. We must know our children, and we must keep their welfare front and center. You would never let someone into your child’s bedroom at 10pm to talk to your son or daughter about the most intimate of human relations. Endeavor to know. Ask and expect. Orient your home and the electronic lives of your entire family (including spouses) to accountability and true intimacy. Don’t settle for the counterfeit sex that is, sadly, easy everywhere.

Don’t be fooled. Our kids, and likely ourselves, are more exposed to this problem than we know. But there is victory in Christ, and we can minimize the damage with prayer, vigilance, and confidence that for every temptation God has provided a way of escape.