Jamey Jackson

Jamey Jackson

Year Joined Staff: 2021

Education and Professional Background: Mrs. Jackson studied at Virginia Tech and at the University of Maryland. In 1996, she married a Marine officer, following him as he was sent and teaching children at home.

Philosophy of Education: I believe that a teacher must not merely be a master of her subject, but be an avid learner, constantly seeking to grow and gain. I follow hard after Christ and pray that, as I stand before them, my students might see less of me and more of Him. Respect, courtesy, and service of others is expected and encouraged, since we are a body working together toward a common goal. We will work hard, play hard, and strive to be skilled workmen, worthy of praise. I want my students to taste and see, hear, feel, and smell (yes, even smell) that the Lord is good! With joy and wonder we will observe, examine, measure, weigh, and learn new things. We will test the limits of our minds and bodies, seeking to do a little more and a little better with every attempt. At the end of the day, my desire is for students to be both satisfied and insatiable – that they would be stretched and filled, but hungry, hungry, hungry for more.